Who we are

The profile of this law firm is primarily focused on prompt and personalized client attention; since we know how important it is for those who provide consultancy and problem-solving at the time that it is needed.

We are a newly created law firm with vast experience in the field of legal employment for more than 15 years, in both the area of litigation and as corporate consultants for companies.

Lic. Miguel Vargas

Mr. Miguel Angel Vargas Ortega is originally from the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco, and studied at the Pan-American University (in Spanish: Universidad Panamericana), Guadalajara campus- 1998-2003 generation. He began to work in the employment attorney firm of Barbosa Abogados Asociados, S. C. in January 2001, and in 2004 he joined the legal area of employment of the firm Hernández Barbosa and Huerga until May 2010. In May 2010 he became a founding partner of the firm Consorcio Global Laboral, S. C., a firm that specializes in matters of consultancy and litigation in employment issues; and which was integrated this year into the corporate structure of CGI Consulting, S. C., founding partner of the law firm of VARGAS ATTORNEYS. He pursued his postgraduate studies in Labor Law and Social Security in the Pan-American University, Guadalajara campus, and has given conferences on diverse employment topics in different business chambers such as CANIRAC, CNIC, among others.


Our main objective is to offer professional services to our clients of the highest quality within our legal specialization in labor, with a focus on creativity and effectiveness for problem solving. This allows us to offer a broad range of services with our commitment to contribute all possible effort to generating ideas, implementing solutions, and optimizing resources. All of this provides your company with the peace of mind that you can count on in terms of consultancy and an adequate legal defense for the legal needs of your company.


To offer our services with the highest quality in the marketplace that satisfies the needs of our clients and surpasses their expectations.


To sustain the leadership of our law firm in the areas of litigation and consultancy.